Change your lifestyle for a better Earth

From carbon dioxide emissions to exploitation of nature, man has to answer for a lot in the way Mother Earth is being despoiled of its pristine cover resulting in environmental changes
Change your lifestyle for a better Earth

Preference for big luxury cars with elaborate air-conditioning arrangements, houses furnished with furniture made of costly and rare mahogany and ceilings done up with highly valuable teak wood do not actually match with what we preach in the matter of nature and environment . Greenhouse emission is nothing else than carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide emission that disbalance the oxygen layer so essential for human life

The globe is going through serious climatic changes.Most of the changes that are noticeable are due mainly to human activities that go against the balance that nature has given effect to . Disturbing the balance is at the root of increase in temperature, irregular rainfall and pollution and other irregularities that are being faced by mankind. This disturbance has hadits repercussion and the clear message for mankind is that the sufferings will be long drawn and harsh.The old natural cycle that people were so familiar with too has been disturbed. For long, nations both developed and underdeveloped are engaged in evolving a policy that can mitigate the situation and the United Nations Climate Summits that are held every year prescribe steps to limit global temperature, control deforestation and suggest ways and means to make the world liveable for humankind like it used to be in the past.

But coming to the general behaviour of the average human being and their preferences for food items,style of living and at times their attitude and their refusal to budge from strict obsession with so called comfort and their made believe status, the policies and guidelines arrived at by the environmentalists and scientists after great effort, seem to go in vain. Preference for big luxury cars with elaborate air-conditioning arrangements, houses furnished with furniture made of costly and rare mahogany and ceilings done up with highly valuable teak wood do not actually match with what we preach in the matter of nature and environment . Greenhouse emission is nothing else than carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide emission that disbalance the oxygen layer so essential for human breathing.Again to match the luxury and status of a rich man and to meet his requirement as taste one has no other way but to take resort to felling of the trees and that too the rarest of them that would satisfy and match his requirement and go to make possible the most exclusive variety of furniture. More the quantity of such furniture, lesser are the trees that absorb carbon di oxide and more addition to pollution of the atmosphere.

Human beings are nothing more than just one among the millions of species that inhabit the planet but they cause the most damage to the environment vis a vis nature by their food habits,their sense of luxury and inability to restrict their massive greed that surpass their needs. The mark of superiority that the Almighty has tagged on the species that is known as Homo sapiens in zoological term has the most to answer for the destruction of nature. In other words, human beings with so called superiority over all other living species contribute towards the destruction of nature the most.

Emission from automobiles run on fossil fuels adds to the level of carbon dioxide. Mining that is another detriment to environment teams up with automobile emission and fossil fuels to figure as carbon dioxide emission agents.The biggest source of absorption of carbon dioxide are the trees and depletion of forestsnaturally willleave nothingas absorbentsof this gas and that in turn will aggravate pollution. As a result asthma and infective diseases will become more common. Infections that go mainly to attack the respiratory system are abetted by air pollution; surfeit of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere abet vulnerability of humans to a number of viruses.

Why on earthdo thesuper-rich have to wear fur jackets made out of skin of rare animal species or why they cannot do without furniture made of rare forest products like mahogany or cannot avoid the luxury of making over their living rooms with an extra ceiling made of the costliest variety of timber. For the sake of common good why cannot people with money keep the exhibitionism at bay and learn to live in required comfort and not in surfeit of luxury.

In the matter of urbanisation the tendency as noticed in regard to procurement of the items provided by nature is that of over exploitation of nature. Due to over extraction of sand from rivers at times may cause denudation which in turn change their normal flow .Again over extraction of stones from the hills too can have a detrimental result.Extractions from nature should be done within a limit. Urbanisation is not something that can be put to stop or can be kept on hold. The question here is that of striking a balance.

The food habits of man are considered to be one of the topmost causesof global warming and the rapid changes in climate are said to be the results of ecological imbalance caused due to a food system that is usually adopted by today's society mostly in the developed nations. Environmental issues like climate change and global warming are attributed to over dependence on non-vegetarian food. Meat production reportedly contributes to acceleration of global climate change by adding a large quantity of greenhouse gases that includes carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide to the environment. The world population as of now stands at 780 crores and it is on the rise at the rate of 1.10 percent per year. At this rate by 2030 the population will be 855 crores. One alarming truth is that despite so much of talk and concern about environmental disorder and ways and means to arrest the evil, themeat-eating population is on the rise. The net outcome of the phenomenon can be well understood. Added to it is the queer food habit on the part of the Chinese and east Asian population. Their preference of delicacies have sent many living species into extinction which actually were created by the Almighty to maintain a zoological and ecological balance.

It's time a much more serious and sincere thinking is put into the matter of danger arising out of misconception about modernity at the cost of nature and alteration of food habits that contribute detrimentally to the nature and thereby to the health of the globe as such.

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