Here's How Yoga Can Provide Relief From Lower Back Pain

Here's How Yoga Can Provide Relief From Lower Back Pain

Matsyasana (Supported fish pose)

To practice, this Yoga poses you'll need few cushions and bolsters. Sit on the floor and place the one bolster behind the spine and one bolster under the knees. Lie down on the bolster with the spine and the back of the head resting on the bolster and make sure that the hips are resting on the floor. Stretch the legs forward and keep the legs hip legs together, extending the toes outward. Relax the shoulders and soften the facial muscles.

Now lift the arms up and stretch them back bend the elbows and cup the palms to hold the elbows. lengthen the side of the waist and the the armpits. Breathing deeply. Stay in this pose for 25 minutes breathing normally. Roll of the bolster towards the right and bend the knees towards the chest and so stay awake.

Benefits: This poses releases the tension from the lower back by decompressing the lower back. It expands the chest and expands the lungs improving the breathing.

Supta Baddha Konasana reeling butterfly pose

To apply this Yoga pose you'll need to bolster. Sit along with your legs straight front of you, Place the bolster under the arch of the lower back, keeping the hips on the ground. Lie down on the bolster, make sure the head touches the ground, and bend the knees bit the soles along. Lift the arms up and back and relax the shoulders and then the facial muscles.

Breathe deeply holding the pose for 25 breaths. To release the pose, strengthen the legs and roll the body to the right and then lift the torso and sit up and then release the pose.

Benefits: This is a classic pose in the asana practice as it benefits the entire body. Apart from being an excellent hip opener. It stimulates the abdominal organs, the ovaries, kidneys. It stimulates the heart and improves circulation. The booster supports the arch of the lower back and releases all tension in the lower spine.

Padhastasana Forward Bend

To practice, this Yoga poses you will need a soft bolster. Stand with legs hip distance apart, keep the bolster between the thigh and the belly hold the bolster with both hands.

Inhale elongate the spine and on an Exhale extend forward from the hips, bend the knees and press the bolster holding it between the thigh and belly, bend the elbows and hold the elbows with the alternate palms. Stay in this pose for 15 breaths. To release the pose hold the bolster lift the head up, and release the palms. lift the torso up and relax.

Benefits: This forward bending pose release tension from the torso and releases stress from the lower back.

Sentinel Assam