How to Deal with Poor Muscle Health? Here are 5 Protein-Rich Foods You must Consider

How to Deal with Poor Muscle Health? Here are 5 Protein-Rich Foods You must Consider
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Muscle health is often not neglected and doesn't get attention as much its deserves. Poor muscle strength can pave its way for bone related ailments like osteoporosis and arthritis, which is often seen to be an area of relevance for the athletes and gym enthusiasts, is actually equally important for all. Going as per the findings of a latest study, seven out of 10 Indians have poor muscle health.

The data, which was collected from the people across eight cities. They are: Delhi-NCR, Mumbai, Kolkata, Chennai, Ahmedabad, Lucknow, Patna and Hyderabad. The study covered 1,243 people, who were examined in detail. The participants were a mix of working and non-working individuals of the age between 30 to 55.

"71 per cent of Indians are suffering from poor muscle health and need to gain muscle mass, as it could lead to impaired muscle function, fatigue and poor metabolic health," mentioned in the joint study conducted by In Body and Ipso.

"For an active lifestyle, good muscle health is not only a key, but also for carrying out our daily physical activities to maintain a healthy life, not many Indians know about its overall impact on health and wellness." mentioned in the study. Delhi-NCR had a lower percentage of people with poor muscle mass, with 64% of both males and females having same problem; while Lucknow was found to have the highest percentage of males and females, with 82% and 80% having same problem, respectively.

The number of Indians suffering from poor muscle health is a reminder that the country needs more awareness about the importance of muscle health and find out ways and means to address this issue. Here are top five foods that are rich in proteins that will further be helpful in improving muscle health:

1. Eggs: Eggs can be included in a number of ways in your daily diet like in breakfast, snacks, and even after work out. It is the best source of proteins. One boiled egg contains almost no carbs and 13 gms of proteins that can help in preventing poor muscle strength .

2. Chickpeas: Chickpeas, which contains 19 gms of proteins and are known to be high-fibre legumes, are a hit with the gym-goers as just a 100-gm serving of this healthy snack chickpeas helps a lot. Moreover, 68% of the carb contents fibre, which gives a sense of filling.

3. Walnuts: Walnut is one of the healthiest nuts easily available in the market. A 100-gm serving of walnuts contain 15 gms of proteins.

4. Tofu: A 100-gm serving of tofu contains 9 gm of high-quality protein. In fact, it is quite popular among the vegetarians.

5. Lentils: A 100-gm of lentils have a 8 gm of dietary fibre. Moreover, the same amount of lentils when served boiled could contain 9 gm of protein, which can also make it a filling food.

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