Abrupt end to monsoon session of Parliament today?

Abrupt end to monsoon session of Parliament today?

Opposition's behaviour, their boycotting proceedings in both Houses of Parliament and COVID concerns are being cited as reasons for adjourning Parliament sine die 8 days before the scheduled closure.

New Delhi: Amid the chaos in both Houses of Parliament, the session is likely to conclude today – eight days ahead of the scheduled closure due to concerns regarding rising COVID cases and the Opposition boycotting proceedings in both the Houses.

As many as 17 MPs had tested positive during the mandatory COVID tests done just before the monsoon session started. A total of 56 people including Parliament officials and media personnel had tested positive.

The Parliament session had started on September 14 after nearly five months of indefinite adjournment.

Before announcing Parliament sine die today, the government plans to pass all the labour code bills, FCRA amendment bill, J&K language bill and the netting bill among others.

Lok Sabha, is scheduled to meet at 3 pm today, and then adjourned sine die in about two hours. Rajya Sabha is likely to be adjourned sine die after taking up five bills.

The abrupt conclusion of the session comes amid turmoil in both the Houses with Opposition MPs staging walks outs and boycotting the proceedings after eight Opposition MPs of Rajya Sabha were suspended for their conduct on Sunday during the passage of the farm bills. It has been high drama with politicians shouting slogans and creating noisy scenes in both Houses of Parliament after the eight MPs were suspended.

The Opposition also boycotted the Business Advisory Committee meeting of the Rajya Sabha that was called on a short notice on Tuesday.

Sentinel Assam