Anti-CAA Protests: Indian Youth Congress sends Preamble to PM Modi

Anti-CAA Protests: Indian Youth Congress sends Preamble to PM Modi
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New Delhi: Amid growing protests against the Citizenship Amendment Act, the Indian Youth Congress has sent the Preamble of the Constitution by courier to the leaders of the BJP throughout the country.

The Youth Congress sent the Preamble to all ministers, including Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Home Minister Amit Shah.

While dispatching the document from the Youth Congress office, its President B.V. Srinivas stated: “that on one hand BJP and its leaders proclaim themselves as the protectors of the Constitution, but on the other hand all their policies and actions are aimed at destroying even the basic fabric of the Constitution.”

The Congress is holding a protest march on December 28, while Rahul Gandhi is going to lead a march in Assam where the party is up against the CAA.

The party has instructed all its state presidents to organize a flag march and tell people about the “divisive” CAA. (IANS)

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