Execution Room Found At Delhi Vidhan Sabha After British-Era Tunnel Discovery

An execution room has been found in the premises of the Delhi Vidhan Sabha. It was reportedly used by the British to punish revolutionaries.
Execution Room Found At Delhi Vidhan Sabha After British-Era Tunnel Discovery
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New Delhi: Just months after a secret tunnel was discovered on the premises of the Delhi Vidhan Sabha, an execution room has also been found at the Delhi Assembly premises.

This building housed the erstwhile Central Legislative Assembly during the British Raj between 1913 and 1926 and was constructed in 1912 after colonial India's capital was shifted from Kolkata to Delhi.

According to Delhi Legislative Assembly Speaker Ram Niwas Goel, the authorities ceased to use this building as a result of which the British decided to convert the building into a court where they held trials of revolutionaries.

He also claimed that revolutionaries were brought here from the Red Fort via a tunnel. The Delhi Assembly speaker is of the view that the trials of the prisoners were conducted within the hall and the convicts were sent to the gallows.

Ram Niwas Goel said that the gallows room had been found when a worker had informed about a wall that seemed to be comparatively new. The wall seemed hollow after knocking on it and as a result, it was decided that the wall would be broken.

He also notified that an Archaeological department team will be summoned to the site in order to date the bricks, wood, and other things and decipher new information about this latest discovery.

The speaker also informed that the tourists will be able to visit the Delhi Vidhan Sabha and he also reiterated that the tunnel would be renovated and opened for tourists.

"In months when sessions are not held here, it will be open for tourists," said Ram Niwas Goel.

It is to be noted that this 109-year-old building does not come under the jurisdiction of the Archaeological Survey of India (ASI).

Earlier, a tunnel was discovered at the Delhi Vidhan Sabha in September this year. The tunnel connects the Legislative Assembly to the Red Fort and was reportedly used by the British to avoid retaliation while moving freedom fighters.

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