'Godmen' Nithyananda Bans Travellers From India to 'Kailasa' Amidst COVID Surge

'Godmen' Nithyananda Bans Travellers From India to 'Kailasa' Amidst COVID Surge

Rape accused self-proclaimed 'Godmen' Nithyananda prohibits the entry of Indian travelers into 'Kailasa', which is an island 'nation' that he claims to have founded in 2019.

Self-styled 'Godmen' Nithyananda announced that devotees from India will not be permitted into 'Kailasa' keeping in mind the massive escalation of the cases of the novel coronavirus in India. 

Nithyananda announced this an as official statement in his 'Presidential Mandate.' He also announced that it is not only India that is facing this ban but also travellers from Brazil, the European Union and Malaysia due to the rising cases of COVID-19 from across the world. 

The self-styled 'Godmen' claims to have established his very own island nation in 2019 calling it a 'Sovereign Hindu Nation.' 

Nithyananda has been accused of sexual assault, due to which he absconded to an island located off the coast of Ecuador which he now calls 'Kailasa.' Nithyananda has been in hiding in this island since 2019 and since then, he has appealed to the United Nations to declare the Kailasa as a separate country. 

"All Kailasians, Ekailasians, volunteers associated with these de facto embassies of Kailasa are to quarantine themselves and adhere to the precautionary measures advised by the local laws," he wrote in his latest statement. 

In the past, Nithyananda has been making headlines and has been trending on social media with videos and tweets about his so-called 'Hindu sovereign nation.'

Besides having its own cabinet and prime minister, it also has its own 'Reserve Bank of Kailasa' with its official currency being 'Kailashian dollars.'

The self-styled rape accused 'Godmen' refers to himself as 'Supreme Pontiff' of Kailasa. 

The official website of Kailasa reads, "Kailaasa is a nation without borders created by dispossessed Hindus from around the world who lost the right to practice Hinduism authentically in their own countries." 

Meanwhile, India yet again breaks its previous day's record as it records the highest single-day spike 3.32 Lakh fresh cases of the novel coronavirus. 2,263 COVID-induced deaths have been reported from across the country taking the total tally of deaths so far to 1.86 Lakh. The number of active caseloads in the country amounts to 24.22 Lakh taking the total tally of caseload to 1.62 Crores. Today is the second straight day that India has reported more than 3 lakh cases, making it the second-worst coronavirus-affected country in the world, only after the United States of America which is the worst affected country.

Sentinel Assam