Madhya Pradesh Culture Minister Usha Thakur

Madhya Pradesh Culture Minister Usha Thakur

MP Minister Usha Thakur's controversial statement on Madrasas

All terrorists are raised in madrassas, they had turned Jammu and Kashmir into a terror factory, says Usha Thakur

Bhopal: Madhya Pradesh Culture Minister Usha Thakur made a controversial statement on the Madrasas. She said that all terrorists are raised in Madrasas, and hence, calling off the government funding of these institutions.

The BJP MLA from Indore, Usha Thakur said, "All terrorists are raised in madrasas, they had turned Jammu and Kashmir into a terror factory. Madrasas which can`t comply with nationalism, they should be merged with the existing education system to ensure complete progress of the society," while addressing the press conference.

She mentioned how Assam has successfully closed down the Madrasas in the state. She further stated that if any such institution is creating problems in the way of nationalism, they should be shut down in the name of national interest.

According to her, the government should stop funding these Madrasas. She said, "Waqf Board is strong enough to run institutions like Madrasas in their personal capacity. Government financing of the madrasas should end."

Religion-based education should be stopped, and common education for all the students is important, said MP Minister Usha Thakur.

Sentinel Assam