Nirbhaya killers to be hanged in Tihar Jail

Nirbhaya killers to be hanged in Tihar Jail

Chennai: Forty-two year old Tamil police Head Constable S. Subash Srinivasan, a police gallantry medal winner and grandson of INA veteran, has volunteered to hang the killers of Nirbhaya in Tihar Jail.

“I read a news report stating that no hangman was available to hang the killers of Nirbhaya. They had committed an unforgivable crime and their punishment should not be delayed on this account,” Srinivasan told IANS.

He is working in the police department’s In-Service Training Centre in Ramanathapuram district. His grandfather used to serve in Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose’s Indian National Army (INA). Srinivasan has already written a letter to the Tihar Jail authorities on December 6 and waiting for a reply.

“I had also given my phone number. I am yet to get a call,” Srinivasan a MA degree holder and who had joined the police service in 1997 said. “Their offence is unforgivable,” he said.

He has taken a vow to tonsure his head and offer the hair to his family deity, in case his wish to hang the Nirbhaya killers is fulfilled. Srinivasan has also performed the last rites for unclaimed bodies in a government hospital. He used to pluck out bill boards and nails hit on trees in Ramanathapuram district. Srinivasan has removed about 100 kg of nails from about 5,000 trees till date. “Business establishments now know that I will pluck out their bill boards and nails. So, in Ramanathapuram district the menace has come down drastically,” he said. (IANS)

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