PM Narendra Modi appoints new R&AW Chief and Director of Intelligence Bureau

PM Narendra Modi appoints new R&AW Chief and Director of Intelligence Bureau

New Delhi: If you think well for your country, your country will shower you with good and proving that once again, Prime Minister Narendra Modi has appointed Samant Kumar Goel as the next chief of R&AW. It has to be mentioned here that Samant Goel is the key person who played a vital role in planning February 2019 Balakot air strikes and the 2016 surgical strikes.

Not only this, there are some other key appointments as well which include appointing Arvinda Kumar as the Director of Intelligence Bureau. Modi, being the chairman of the Appointments Committee of the Cabinet is the key decision maker in these appointments.

R&AW or Research and Analysis Wing (R&AW) is India’s external spy agency and the Intelligence Bureau is India's internal intelligence agency. Both the chief positions of the agencies are vital designations and play the most crucial roles towards ensuring India’s safety and security.

Both the newly-appointed chiefs, Samant Goel and Arvinda Kumar are Indian Police Service officers of 1984 batch. Goel belonged to Punjab cadre and Kumar to Assam-Meghalaya cadre.

The charges of their respective positions will be taken over by the end of this month as soon as the extended tenure of IB chief Rajiv Jain and R&AW secretary Anil K Dhasmana ends. The outgoing chiefs Jain and Dhasmana had joined the positions in December 2016. They were allotted with an extension of six-months due the election schedules.

The orders for the appointment of the two key officials are issued on Wednesday evening. Both the officers are appointed for a two-year term.

The contributions made by these two now appointee towards the security system of the nation are commendable for which they have been able to earn these highly designated positions. Goel had great contributions in planning the February 2019 Balakot air strikes and the 2016 surgical strikes.

Sentinel Assam