Revocation of Article 370: 10 significant factors with and without the special status

Revocation of Article 370: 10 significant factors with and without the special status

The revocation of Article 370 is expected to bring tremendous changes in the entire scenario of Jammu and Kashmir. The state, already in a tensed condition, faced another blow with Union Home Minister Amit Shah announcing a resolution at Rajya Sabha on Monday to revoke Article 370. The immediate response on the revoking of the article has shows mixed responses from the people of the nation.

Jammu and Kashmir, after the revoking of the Article 370 and losing its Special Status can well be understood with s close look at the changes to be brought by the revocation of Article 370. Here is a close look at the situation in J&K before and after the revocation of Article 370-

Before scrapping Article 370: J&K was the one and only state in India to have its own constitution. The state had its own constitution which was not applicable to other states of the country. The constitution had provided the state with special autonomy and separate state laws.

After scrapping Article 370 – With the revocation of 370, the state will not have a separate constitution for J&K and its citizens.

Before scrapping Article 370: The citizens of J&K used to enjoy dual citizenship- one, of the state and the other citizenship of the country.

After scrapping Article 370: The citizens will now have just one citizenship, the citizenship of the country.

Before scrapping Article 370: The citizens ho J&K were only allowed to buy and sell in the state.

After scrapping Article 370: Citizens of all over the country will be eligible to buy and sell property in the state.

Before scrapping Article 370: Jammu & Kashmir had two flags, one of the state and the other of India

After scrapping Article 370: The state will have only one flag, the tri-colour flag of India.

Before scrapping Article 370: The fundamental rights enjoyed by the citizens of the rest of India were not accessible to the citizens of Jammu and Kashmir as the state had its special status.

After scrapping Article 370: The J&K citizens will now be able to enjoy equal fundamental rights as are enjoyed by the rest of the country

Before scrapping Article 370: There are separate laws related to citizenship, ownership of property, and fundamental rights for the citizens of J&K.

After scrapping Article 370: From now onwards, there will be no separate laws and the citizens of J&K will have the same laws as the rest of the country.

Before scrapping Article 370: The central government had no authority of declaring financial emergency in the state.

After scrapping Article 370: The central government will have full authority and the right to declare financial emergency in the state.

Before scrapping Article 370: Jammu and Kashmir had Ladakh in it as a part of the state.

After scrapping Article 370: Both J&K and Ladakh will be Union Territories now, the former with a legislature and the latter with no legislature.

Before scrapping Article 370: J&K had two separate national anthems, one for the state and the other for the country.

After scrapping Article 370: It will now have only national anthem which is being used by the rest of the country.

Before scrapping Article 370: the parliament needed an approval of the state government to apply any law except for in defense, foreign affairs, finance and communications.

After scrapping Article 370: the parliament will need no permission or approval of the state government for the implementation of any law. The parliament can even change the name of the state and its boundary without seeking the state government’s approval.

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