Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP) for tough action against anti-Hindu forces

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Ernakulam: Strongly condemning incidents of violence unleashed against pro-CAA votaries in different parts of the country, the Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP) has called for stringent legal action against political parties that support violent attacks against Hindu society.

In a press release issued on Sunday, VHP secretary general Milind Parande expressed concern over the role of Muslim organizations, like the Popular Front of India (PFI), in anti-CAA agitations and associated violence. He reiterated that the CAA deals only with providing citizenship for non-Muslim refugees from neighbouring Muslim-majority countries and doesn’t affect the citizenship of any Indian.

Parade's comments come in the backdrop of the recent attack on a pro-CAA rally in Jharkhand, which led to the death of one person. He also called attention to recent developments such as Kapil Sibal receiving money for providing legal support to the conversion of non-Muslim girls. (IANS)

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