Green Energy, India's Door to the Throne of Global Power: Mukesh Ambani

Climate crisis is real and it is happening and energy transition will be the sole determiner of geopolitical transition in the 21st century
Green Energy, India's Door to the Throne of Global Power: Mukesh Ambani
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NEW DELHI: As India is accepting clean fuels for its energy needs, Reliance CEO and billionaire Mukesh Ambani said that with technological advancements India can be a new energy leader if it banks on the enormous opportunities it has in producing clean and green energy. 

Ambani is looking at the foreseeable future that India possesses in exporting green and clean energy and has likewise started a transition to green hydrogen production at his oil-dominant conglomerate. 

Ambani also added that India is one of the most attractive destinations for the world to invest in renewable energy. 

He also said that India's transition to clean and green energy cannot happen overnight as India is heavily dependent on oil and coal. 

He said we have to take baby steps toward a clean and green energy future and we can change India's dependence on oil and coal by the next three decades. 

"For this dream to be a reality, we have to follow low carbon or no carbon strategies of development", he said while speaking at the Asia Economic Dialogue. 

Ambani also said that the climate crisis is real and it is happening and energy transition will be the sole determiner of geopolitical transition in the 21st century. 

He also said, "Europe overtook India and China to be the world leader when the world changed its energy needs from wood to coal. After that, the United States and West Asia took the throne from Europe as they emerged as the global leader when the world changed its energy needs to oil. Now if India wants to be the global leader it has to be self-sufficient in clean and green energy. Only self-sufficiency would not suffice, we should export clean and green energy which would bring revenue of 0.5 trillion if made a reality" 

"India's progress is unstoppable. We will become a 5-trillion-dollar economy, and we will become a 10-trillion-dollar-economy. We can only argue about whether it will happen in 2025 or 2027 or whether in 2030 or 2032," he said.

"India's per capita income today is around USD 2,000, compared to Europe's USD 38,000. I believe that with our progress, we will reach USD 10,000 per capita in the next 15-20 years," Ambani added in his hour-long speech at the Asia Economic Dialogue. 

Ambani also said that India must increase its energy output so as to drive double-digit GDP growth. And this has to be on an affordable basis of the use of technology.

Also, India must increase its share of green and clean energy in this enhanced output because it is the only door that can elevate India to the throne of global leadership. 

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