Bio-toilets, water ATMs commissioned in city

Bio-toilets, water ATMs commissioned in city


GUWAHATI, Sept 20: In order to meet the demand of sustainable and safe drinking water, the installation of water ATMs has been taken in selected locations in the city by the Guwahati Smart City Ltd. (GSCL) 20 number of water ATMs have been installed in carefully selected locations to benefit and reach the maximum number of citizens. The project cst was Rs 2.09 crore which includes operation and maintenance. On the other hand, in an innovative effort to meet the gap and to increase the number of people having access to a toilet, the GSCL, under the Smart City Mission has also undertaken the installation of smart Bio-toilets in selected location in the city. The Bio-toilets are being installed 30 locations with the objective to meet the demands of sustainable and hygienic sanitation in the city. The project cost was Rs 9.53 crore which includes operation and maintenance.

Sentinel Assam