Birth Anniversary of Albert Einstein And Death Anniversary of Hawking Observed

Birth Anniversary of Albert Einstein And Death Anniversary of Hawking Observed

GUWAHATI: As the whole world is observing the birth anniversary of Albert Einstein and death anniversary of Stephen Hawking, an event titled “Ein-King 2019” was organized on Thursday by the University of Science and Technology Meghalaya to commemorate the contribution of both the scientists. The programme was graced by the great physicist of North-East India Prof (Emeritus) Gauranga Dhar Baruah who delivered the stimulating talk on “Alien and Drake Equation: Role of Sociology in sustaining intelligent civilization”. The programme was also graced by eminent Physicist Prof Amarjyoti Choudhury who was also a student of Prof Baruah. USTM Chancellor Mahbubul Hoque also spoke on the occasion.

In his talk, Prof Baruah briefed about a noteworthy equation called Drake equation which provides an idea of possible sustenance of intelligent civilization in our galaxy, Milky Way, which might consist of 1010 numbers of intelligent civilization. The significance of his talk is that the equation amalgams all branches of science and humanities which could provide information about sustenance of intelligent civilization. The talk was concluded with a very interactive session with the gathering including students. Prof Baruah is popularly known as ‘Light House’ of India for his outstanding contribution to the field of ‘Laser and Non-Linear Optics’. He has published over more than 350 publications in reputed journals. It is noteworthy to mention that Prof Baruah is the last scholar associated with Nobel laureate, CV Raman.

According to a press release, while appreciating the sincere efforts by the team of faculty members of the Department of Physics, M Hoque, Chancellor of USTM inspired the students of the Department to follow the footsteps of the great scientists so that the University too can produce Nobel Laureates in the coming days. He said that science would never be so advanced without the revolutionary work of the great minded people and to name two of them are Albert Einstein and Stephen Hawking. Their enormous contribution towards understanding the universe unlocked various mysteries which provided starling clarity into dynamic nature of the universe. There are many unanswered questions and mysteries which physicist are exploring and trying to unfold the reality. Scientists and researchers across the globe are forging ahead to the scientific contribution of Einstein and Hawking to realize the dream of a single unified theory that can explain all the natural laws of physics.


Sentinel Assam