Contractors' body calls for Itagar bandh on May 2

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ITAGAR, April 29: The All Aruchal Contractors’ Welfare Association (AACWA) has called for a dawn to dusk Capital bandh on May 2 next as its two point demands for immediate lifting of government transaction and immediate abolition of Authorization system of LOC were not heed upon by the government.

“We have no altertive left and this is our last resort as despite several requests from us, the chief minister’s office has declined to meet us,” AACWA president Takam Padu told reporters at Aruchal Press Club (APC) here.

He further added that their demands included immediate lifting of government transaction and immediate abolition of authorization system of LOC, which were both genuine but were not honoured by the State government.

When questioned on what happened to the governor’s letter which had directed the chief secretary to look into the grievances ventilated by the association and to the fince department for making payment of the issued cheques, Takam said that it was nothing but a mere excuse to ease their wounds in disguise.

“We sent many representatives and representations to the governor office as well but the office was too also closed for us,” added Takam.

While appealing general public to bear the inconvenience, AACWA general secretary bam Akin Hi said, “We acknowledge that calling strikes fall under unlawful act but we the contractors have been left with no choice. We are simply fighting for our hard earned money which is out right.”

Hi also lamented that many of the contractors have taken loan from borrowers at 10 per cent interest and the delay in getting the payment is only adding to their woes.

The association lastly informed that apart from vehicles of PHED and water, Press, milk van, paramilitary forces, magistrate on duty, pharmacies etc, all other vehicular movements would remain closed on the day from 6 am to 6 pm.

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