Don Bosco Technical School observes World Youth Skill Day

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Silchar, July 17: Don Bosco Technical School in association with Sarvodaya Salesian Society observed world youth skill day (WYSD) in the premises of Boscotech on Wednesday. Prero Sharma, IAS, Assistant commissioner Cachar, was the chief guest on the occasion. To raise awareness about the importance of investing in youth skills development, the United tions General Assembly has decided to celebrate the first world youth skills day on 15 July 2015.

  WYSD celebrations coincide with an important year of setting the agenda for the future which include the new climate agreement and the adoption of the Sustaible Development goals for future.    That is why this year’s theme is “Youth skills for work and life in the post-2015 agenda”. WYSD is in line with the upcoming Sustaible Development Goals (SDGs) for 2030, which propose two goals on education and skills for employment.

  The programme began with a welcome speech by Br Arvind Topno, deputy director, Boscotech. A song and dance presentation by the students was also held on the occasion. It was followed by an audio visual quiz session. Speaking on the occasion, Prero Sharma, IAS, Assistant commissioner Cachar, said it is imperative in the 21st century that the youth is provided with proper skill training so that they can get employed in the job sector. Lack of proper skill training is a major hindrance in the development of the country.

  One global survey found that more than 55% of employers worldwide believe that there is a ‘skill crisis’ as businesses witness a growing mismatch between the skills students learn in the education system and those required in the workplace. For the government, an important issue is how they can bridge this gap and ensure that young people are equipped with the skills employers are looking for.

  In order to materialize the shift from exclusively content-based to a balanced content and skill based curricula, education providers should make it their goal to establish a guiding skills framework which allows teachers and professors to see the types of skills and applied content they should be teaching to their students. All academic institutions should work towards adopting or creating a suitable skills framework that aligns with the labour market. Moreover, this framework should act as a guiding document that schools and universities can modify as per the demands of the market.

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