Miscarriage Might Be Linked to Heart Disease Risk

Miscarriage Might Be Linked to Heart Disease Risk

London: Women who experience miscarriage or pregnancy loss and do not have children are at greater risk of cardiovascular problems such as heart disease and stroke, compared with women who have only one or two children, says a new study. It could be because repeated pregnancies could result in long-lasting changes within the body including weight gain, especially around the waist, and increased levels of cholesterol in the blood.

“Conditions such as heart disease and stroke together are the leading cause of death in women in the developed world and it is essential that we understand why this is the case,” said Clare Oliver-Williams, a research student from the University of Cambridge. “There is a relation between cardiovascular disease risk and both pregnancy loss and having a large number of births,” Oliver-Williams added. The study also found that women with five or more births had a 38 per cent higher risk of having serious heart attack, regardless of how long they breastfed. During pregnancy, the mother’s body experiences changes including weight gain, accumulation of abdominal fat, higher levels of cholesterol, increased insulin resistance, and changes in the structure of the heart. (IANS)

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