Study Finds Only 27.2 % School Going Children of Delhi Consume Fruits Daily

Study Finds Only 27.2 % School Going Children of Delhi Consume Fruits Daily

The Indian Council of Research on International Economic Relations (ICRIER) released a report on the importance of 'nutrition security' in school children of Delhi- NCR. The report revealed that 56.3 percent of the school children in NCR were taking less than the recommended daily intake of vegetables and only 27.2 percent of the children consume fruits every day.

According to a report in The Indian Express, the report finding's also stated that the children from higher-income homes are not necessarily consuming more vegetables than those from lower-income homes, despite the greater ease of access to vegetables and fruits.

Reportedly, this survey was conducted across 95,596 students from Class 5 to 12 in 90 schools. Out of these 36 were government-run schools and rest 54 were privately-run schools. This survey was referred to the National Institute of Nutrition, as per which a person should consume at least 300g of vegetables and at least 100g of fruits every day.

However, the survey has concluded that on an average, the vegetable consumption amid the government school students was 250 grams. Meanwhile, Kid studying in private schools had an intake of 230 grams.

Sentinel Assam