96 households get water connections in remote Innao Village of Bordumsa

96 households get water connections in remote Innao Village of Bordumsa

A total of 96 households with around 809 population inhabiting the Innao Block I & II under Diyun Circle in Changlang district of Arunachal Pradesh on Wednesday


BORDUMSA: A total of 96 households with around 809 population inhabiting the Innao Block I & II under Diyun Circle in Changlang district of Arunachal Pradesh on Wednesday afternoon got tap-water (potable) connections under the 'Jal Jivan Mission', one of the flagship programmes of the government.

Inaugurating the project near the Innao Bazar site, the local legislator of 49 Bordumsa-Diyun constituency Somlung Mossang said that the State Government -- with initiatives from Chief Minister Pema Khandu -- has been devising ways to get tap water (potable) connections to each rural household in the State by 2023.

''I'm equally happy to see one of my electoral promises being finally materialised. I had assured this developmental promise to the people of the area during the 2019 Assembly Election,'' said the MLA during the inauguration ceremony here.

''The village water & sanitation committee has a vital role to play to ensure the durability of its service through judicious use of the resource. I'm sure that the concerted efforts of panel members in particular and the citizens in general will make this project successful, meaningful and sustainable,'' added the legislator.

The estimated cost of the project stands at Rs 103.17 lakh and more than 809 persons of the area would be benefitted.

Briefing on the technical aspects of this project, the Executive Engineer of PHED Bordumsa Subdivision, Kipa Niama said that 99 households have been connected with the safe and hygienic piped water being filtered through multiple layers.

''The scheme which was sanctioned way back in 2019 could not be completed on the targeted year of 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic. However despite the challenges, we have finally made it functional in 2021,'' added the Executive Engineer.

Sentinel Assam