China dam project

Arunachal Pradesh MLA Raises Alarms Over China’s Massive Dam on Yarlung Tsangpo River

BJP MLA Ninong Ering has voiced grave concerns about the potential impact of a massive dam China is constructing on the Yarlung Tsangpo River.

ITANAGAR: Arunachal Pradesh legislator Ninong Ering has expressed serious concerns about a massive dam being built by China on the Yarlung Tsangpo River near the international border. Speaking during a motion of thanks to the governor’s address in the state assembly, Ering, a senior BJP MLA and former Union minister, emphasized the potential risks posed by the 60,000 megawatt dam in Medog.

The Yarlung Tsangpo River, known as the Siang in Arunachal Pradesh and the Brahmaputra in Assam, is a crucial waterway in the region. Its main channel, the Jamuna, flows through Bangladesh before joining the Bay of Bengal. Ering highlighted the possibility of China diverting the river flow, which could lead to severe water scarcity in Arunachal Pradesh.

Ering also warned that sudden water releases from the dam could trigger devastating floods downstream, impacting both India and Bangladesh. He stressed the importance of prioritizing national security and urged the government to take decisive action to address these potential threats. The lack of a water treaty between India and China further amplifies the risks associated with the dam, according to Ering.

While acknowledging the benefits of hydropower projects for Arunachal Pradesh, Ering advocated for consulting local communities before proceeding with dam construction to ensure their interests are protected. He emphasized that the voices of local populations must be heard and their concerns addressed.

In response to these concerns, Chief Minister Pema Khandu previously announced the central government’s plan to build a large barrage on the Siang River. This initiative aims to mitigate the potential flooding that could be caused by the Chinese dam, providing a strategic response to the looming threat.

Ering’s remarks underscore the urgent need for diplomatic and infrastructural measures to safeguard the region’s water resources and the livelihoods dependent on them. As the situation develops, the call for a comprehensive water management strategy between India and China becomes increasingly critical.

The construction of the dam and its potential impacts highlight the complex interplay of regional politics, environmental sustainability, and local community rights. As Arunachal Pradesh navigates these challenges, the emphasis remains on balancing development with the preservation of vital natural resources.


China dam project
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