‘Chai Paathsaala’ unveiled to encourage tea farmers in Arunachal Pradesh

‘Chai Paathsaala’ unveiled to encourage tea farmers in Arunachal Pradesh
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Itanagar: The Arunachal Pradesh government in its effort to discourage jhum cultivation due to its ecological hazards and to encourage the farmers to take up remunerative and profitable cash crops like tea in the State has come with a scheme – “Chai Paathshaala”.

The “Chai Paathsaala”, a residential training programme on scientific cultivation of tea is being conducted by the State Department of Trade and Commerce in collaboration with Tea Research Association (TRA) and Tea Board of India (TBI).

Inaugurating the “Chai Paathsaala” at Dorjee Khandu State Convention Centre here on Wednesday, Trade and Commerce Minister Tumke while encouraging tea cultivation, pointed out that jhum cultivation was the sole occupation of many farmers in the state earlier, which had many hazardous side effects on the environment.

“The State Government has been encouraging tea cultivation in the State with various incentives for the farmers and tea is a perennial source of income for 2-3 generations,” he said in his address.

“In comparison to our neighbouring state Assam, Arunachal Pradesh is a late starter and it has hardly been 20-25 years since tea has been developing in the State,” he said and advised the resource persons from TRA and TBI to give awareness to the policy makers so that it could be percolated to the government level.

Bagra informed that the state government had in the past tried coffee cultivation with the help of Coffee Board at Deomali area of Tirap district, but it could not be continued for expansion.

He advised the farmers not to be discouraged because of the fluctuation of the price in the market and to inherit the knowledge being imparted by the professionals.

Going with the growing demand in the market for organic tea, the minister stressed on giving more impetus on organic farming saying that it ensures that foods are grown without the use of harmful substances.

He informed that the organic produces fetch higher remuneration in international market and by default the products of the state are organic in nature.

“Our aim should be to make the state an organic tea state. Tea planters with the right education and right information on the scientific method of cultivation of tea will be the key to carve the roadway for such a mission to be possible,” he said.

Trade and Commerce secretary N Tsering Glow in his deliberation, advised the tea growers to take advantage of the training and give the feedback in writing to the department, so as to enable it to address the issues and incorporate the suggestions of the tea growers in the vision document.

Trade and Commerce director Tokong Pertin informed that many enthusiastic and interested growers are venturing into tea cultivation in the state but could not develop at the desired level, due to lack of awareness and knowledge of scientific and systematic cultivation of tea.

He further informed that the sole aim of Chai Paathshaala is to impart technical and scientific know-how on tea cultivation.

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