Coordination meet on COVID-19 in East Kameng

Coordination meet on COVID-19 in East Kameng

In continuation of several coordination meetings held earlier, East Kameng DC Gaurav Singh Rajawat


SEPPA: In continuation of several coordination meetings held earlier, East Kameng DC Gaurav Singh Rajawat convened an emergency meeting with district surveillance unit and HoDs and officials-on-covid duty to review the preparedness of the district to prevent and tackle the possible outbreak of COVID-19 disease post lock-down period here on Tuesday.

Assessing about the preparedness and status of check-gates, emergency facility and quarantine centres, DC Rajawat urged the health department and officials concerned to be alert and remain prepared to deal with prevention and management of occurrence of any kind of untoward cases related to corona-virus outbreak. Appreciating all the officials engaged in Covid duty for their dedication towards fight against corona, DC urged them to work with same zeal and enthusiasm and exhorted them to follow strictly all the measures as prescribed in SOPs while performing their assigned tasks. He strongly cautioned against any kind of dereliction and negligence of duties. 

Sentinel Assam