World Water Day Celebrated at District Circuit House in Arunachal

World Water Day Celebrated at District Circuit House in Arunachal

The District PHE & WS Division celebrated World Water Day with a theme 'Groundwater making the invisible visible' to create awareness on the importance of water

LONGDING: The District PHE & WS Division celebrated World Water Day with a theme 'Groundwater making the invisible visible' to create awareness on the importance of water, global water crisis and its conservation at district circuit house near here on Tuesday.

The programme was attended by MLA Tanpho Wangnaw along with Executive Engineer (PHE & WS) Tage Nipa, PRIs, CBOs, NGOs, students' union and public. Addressing the public, Wangnaw appealed to the PRIs and stakeholders to plant jackfruit and banana plant in every household, thus adding to economic uplift of the individual resulting in gradual stopping of Jhum cultivation. He also urged all the people to cooperate with the department in plantation and protecting catchment areas in the district. He emphasized the need for plantation campaign to safeguard the future generation.

EE Tage Nipa spoke on Jal Jeevan Misson (JJM) and catchment area protection. A power-point presentation on rejuvenation of ground water and video on theme: 'Groundwater making the invisible visible' was also presented on the day.

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