A Tribute to Bholanath Das

The head of my maternal family after the departure of Koka and Aita, the ever analytical Bhola/Daangor Jethpeha, has sadly left all of us, leaving behind an abundance of splendid memories.
A Tribute to Bholanath Das
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 The head of my maternal family after the departure of Koka and Aita, the ever analytical Bhola/Daangor Jethpeha, has sadly left all of us, leaving behind an abundance of splendid memories.

A gentleman of the highest order, he was also a sterling scholar and an exceptional intellectual. If we talk about his academic journey, after his schooling in Tezpur, he had been an alumnus of some of the premier educational institutions- Cotton College Guwahati, St Anthony’s College, Shillong and Assam Engineering College, Guwahati. Top those with being a literature lover, an avid reader, an updated and informed citizen, an eloquent orator, an utterly social character and of course a luminary, distinguished and outstanding writer!

Fortunately I used to get his encouragement and blessings to write. He was an ardent gastronome as well who used to enjoy great food and drinks. Be it any family gathering, whatever be the number of people, Jethpeha first had to deliver the common sermon to everyone present but the most remarkable and astonishing quality about him that I noticed was that he was always concerned about everyone present and he every time used to ensure that he conversed one-on-one with each and every member of that get-together!

One can never forget his euphoric iconic laugh, uttering his signature ‘My Lord’ at every exclamation. Once Koka left us, we all used to look up to him as the ‘Leader of the pack’ for his towering sense of judgment, advice, guidance, mentorship and of course to seek his unconditional blessings. Also because I think he treated our parents like his own children- Maa as his own daughter and Deta as his son-in-law and similarly treated us like his own grandchildren!

He lived his life very well and I’m sure he has indeed left an indelible mark on everyone known and this loss is simply irreparable for the entire family- Xoonmoni, Maini, Bhaimoni and all and especially for his beloved soulmate- Rula Jethai. What an inspiration, what a connoisseur, what a virtuoso, what a resourceful figure, what a soul and last but not the least, what an awe-inspiring human! He may not be with us physically but he will always be with us through his delightful memories.

–Manthan Kr. Dutta

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