Assam Governor Advocates Increased Female Enrollment in Technical Education

During the 6th convocation of the Indian Institute of Information Technology (IIIT) in Guwahati, Assam Governor Gulab Chand Kataria emphasized the need for technical institutions to boost female enrollment.
Assam governor

GUWAHATI: Assam Governor Gulab Chand Kataria in his address at 6th convocation of Indian Institute of Information Technology (IIIT) in Guwahati, underscored importance of enhancing female participation in technical education. Addressing a gathering of graduates and faculty members. And distinguished guests. Governor Kataria brought attention to stark gender imbalance in technical courses. Female enrollment lags behind that of male students and other conventional fields of study.

In a poignant call to action. Governor Kataria urged educational authorities to develop proactive strategies to encourage more female students to pursue technical courses. "Girls have consistently demonstrated their capabilities across various domains. It is imperative that we provide them with ample opportunities to empower themselves effectively" he remarked advocating for inclusive practices in educational institutions.

The convocation ceremony milestone in the academic journey of graduating students, celebrated the culmination of years of hard work. And dedication. Governor Kataria congratulated the 227 students who received graduate degrees. And post-graduate degrees. This included 177 B Tech 41 M Tech and 9 PhD recipients. He underscored their role in shaping the future through acquired skills and knowledge.

Encouraging graduates to seize opportunities, Governor Kataria emphasized the transformative role of education in fostering holistic development. "Education is the cornerstone of progress." It equips individuals to tackle challenges. And make positive contributions to society" he affirmed. He highlighted the pivotal role of institutions like IIIT Guwahati in imparting knowledge and nurturing talent.

Reflecting on India's global prominence in the information technology sector, Governor Kataria noted the pervasive influence of technology in modern life. He praised the role of IIIT Guwahati in advancing technical education and fostering innovation.

The convocation also featured addresses by esteemed personalities including former IIT-Kharagpur Director Prof. Partha Pratim Chakraborty. IIIT-Guwahati Board of Governors Chairman Satyavrat Dev was present. IIIT-Guwahati Director Professor Sharat Kumar Patra also attended. Each speaker commended graduates for their achievements. They encouraged them to leverage their skills for societal benefit.

As ceremony concluded Governor Kataria reiterated importance of bridging gender gaps in technical education. He affirmed that inclusive policies and supportive environments are crucial. Such measures empower future generations of female technologists.

The 6th convocation of IIIT Guwahati served not only as a celebration of academic achievement but also as a platform. It advocated gender equality and empowerment in technical education.


Assam governor
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