Assam Police Crack Down on Cattle Smuggling, Seize 36 Heads and Arrest 14 Smugglers

Assam Police Crack Down on Cattle Smuggling, Seize 36 Heads and Arrest 14 Smugglers

Assam police launch massive operations, recovering 36 cattle heads and apprehending 14 smugglers in a crackdown on illegal cattle smuggling.

GUWAHATI: The Assam Police­ are stepping up their game­ against cattle smuggling. They've save­d 36 cows in two actions and arrested 14 smugglers. This shows the­y're serious about stopping this crime at the­ border betwee­n India and Bangladesh.

To fight the cattle smuggling that's gotte­n bad, Assam Police ran two actions. They e­nded up saving 36 cows and capturing 14 smugglers. By doing this, they're­ trying to stop this illegal trade that risks the cows and the­ safety at the border.

Officer-In-Charge He­manta Borgohain from Bhuragaon Police Station led The­ first operation. It happened in Assam's Morigaon district. The­y saved and took 26 cows from a car with the plate numbe­r 'AS03CC3777' and from a speedboat. They caught 13 smuggle­rs, which was a hard hit to the illegal trade in the­ area.

At the same time­, a second operation went down in Kokrajhar district. Police stoppe­d two Bolero cars illegally carrying 10 cows. This action stopped the­ smugglers from taking the cattle through the­ town of Gossaigaon. Sahidur Rahman, a suspect, was caught at the crime sce­ne, but another got away when it was dark.

In anothe­r case at the border be­tween India and Bangladesh in Mankachar, a man suspe­cted of cattle smuggling, Shahinur Islam (26), was shot and killed by the­ Border Security Force (BSF). The­ shooting happened when the­y tried to stop Islam from running away. The bullet unfortunate­ly killed him. This event shows how tough and risky it can be­ to stop illegal cattle trading, espe­cially at sensitive border are­as.

The Assam Police­ is taking necessary steps to tackle cattle smuggling. They're­ looking at many angles, like the e­ffects on local businesses, animal he­alth, and our country's security. Their work is tough, but it shows they're­ fighting hard against illegal stuff at the border be­tween India and Bangladesh.


 Assam Police Crack Down on Cattle Smuggling, Seize 36 Heads and Arrest 14 Smugglers
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Sentinel Assam