Assam: Water Pipe Bursts in Guwahati Near Geetanagar Police Station

The sudden deluge of water flooded the streets, causing inconvenience to pedestrians and motorists alike.
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GUWAHATI: A water pipe burst near Geetanagar police station in Guwahati, creating a chaotic scene as water gushed onto the streets, causing flooding and disruption in the area. This incident is one of many in the city, highlighting the challenges faced by authorities in maintaining the aging water infrastructure.

The burst pipe, which is part of the pipeline maintained by Gammon JICA, occurred in the early hours of the morning, catching residents and commuters by surprise. The sudden deluge of water flooded the streets, causing inconvenience to pedestrians and motorists alike.

Local authorities were quick to respond to the incident, dispatching emergency crews to the scene to assess the damage and begin repairs. Traffic in the area was diverted to alternative routes to minimize disruption, while efforts were made to pump out the excess water and repair the damaged pipe.

Residents in the area expressed frustration over the recurring incidents of water pipe bursts, highlighting the need for better maintenance of the city's infrastructure. Many noted that such incidents not only inconvenience the public but also lead to wastage of precious water resources.

The incident serves as a reminder of the importance of regular maintenance and investment in infrastructure to ensure the efficient and reliable delivery of essential services. Authorities have urged residents to report any signs of water leakage or pipe damage to prevent future incidents and minimize inconvenience to the public.

Since May 25, 2023, the city has experienced numerous water pipe bursts, causing chaos in various neighborhoods.

On August 13, a burst water pipe flooded the area near Rajdhani Nursery, adjacent to the under-construction flyover of Zoo Road. Locals have criticized the authorities for not addressing these recurring incidents.

Earlier, on August 6, a water pipeline installed by the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) ruptured in Geetanagar, Guwahati, adding to residents' concerns. The burst pipe flooded the area, significantly disrupting pedestrian traffic.


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