Is Congress Leading The Way In Assam And Beating BJP On Its Own Pitch?

Congress Party’s Yatras and candidate selection have played a major role in making a rather rudderless Congress, a front runner in Assam Assembly elections.
Is Congress Leading The Way In Assam And Beating BJP On Its Own Pitch?
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The Congress appears to be gaining an edge, against the BJP in every single aspect, especially on its stronghold over social media and booth-level management. Congress Party's Yatras and candidate selection have played a major role in making a rather rudderless Congress, a front runner in Assam Assembly elections.

Critics argue that this could be a calculated Gambit, however an example of the Party's plan of action, in Assam would be, the Congress Party's newly launched 'Congressor 5 Guarantee Campaign'. This is symbolic in the sense that, the Party has not just made an echo-chamber of poll-promises-which the people on ground were painfully getting accustomed to hearing-but the word 'Guarantee' has somehow sounded hope amongst the 'Janata'. The Campaign, it seems, is to rekindle the memories of the Congress' 15 year-long leadership in the State, taking this time's Assembly contest straight into the enemy camp.

As popular perception, seems to be changing through engagement on social media, as well as grassroot-Yatras, conducted by the Party across the Assam, the Congress has pulled out all the stops to wrest the State, from the current regime.

The Party's campaign is being driven by Mohali based, DesignBoxed, headed by Naresh Arora, Chief-Strategist to implement and strategise its poll-moves in the State.

Congress' 'Assam Bachao' Social Media Handles are receiving nearly, double the engagement as compared to BJP-Assam. On Facebook, 'Assam Bachao' is leading with a total engagement of 9.2 million, BJP is next with 5.7 million and INC-Assam is steadily catching up, with a total of 2.4 million on the platform. Meanwhile, on Twitter 'Assam Bachao' has an engagement of 3,51,037 hits, INC-Assam is a close second with 1,61,213 hits and BJP is trailing with 74,037 hits. With these number, it is fair to assume that Congress is trying to create an impact through, its social media handles, in light of the upcoming Assembly Elections.

With, Social Media and Ground Engagement being extremely effective tools, especially in today's day and age, these are the fastest and most convenient methods for voters to engage with the content uploaded by Political Parties of the State and express their grievances to State Leaders.

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