Rally to mark Matru Vandana Saptah in Hailakandi district

Rally to mark Matru Vandana Saptah in Hailakandi district

A Correspondent

Hailakandi: A district-level rally was taken out here on Tuesday to mark the Matru Vandana Saptah. District Development Commissioner Vikram Dev Sharma, inaugurated the rally that was organized by District Social Welfare Office in association with the district administration and line departments. Additional Deputy Commissioner, EL Faihraem, Executive Officer, Hailakandi Municipal Board, Prodip Timung and heads of concerned departments were present.

Holding placards and banners, the participants comprising AWWs, AWHs ASHAs, supervisors, CDPOs, GP presidents, ward members, NGOs, and CBOs shouted slogans on the theme ‘Surakshit Janani - Bikshit Dharani’ focusing on pregnant women and lactating mothers. The rally passed through the main roads in the town before concluding at Deputy Commissioner’s office campus. Coinciding with the week-long event, information booths (matru Sewa) were opened up at the ICDS level across the district.

Sentinel Assam