Sanction letters distributed in Dima Hasao

Sanction letters distributed in Dima Hasao

Total 243 beneficiaries were handed over sanction letters under the Chah Bagicha Dhan Puraskar Scheme in Dima Hasao


HAFLONG: Total 243 beneficiaries were handed over sanction letters under the Chah Bagicha Dhan Puraskar Scheme in Dima Hasao for two days at two tea gardens - Kopili Tea Estate on Wednesday and Gunjung Tea Estate on Thursday - by the Deputy Commissioner's office.

MLA BB Hagjer, Deputy Commissioner Paul Barua, Denis Teron, chairman of Umrangso Municipal Board, in presence of the garden owners, handed over the sanction letters of the third installment to beneficiaries amounting to an entitlement of Rs. 3,000. First two installments of Rs. 2,500 had been handed over earlier. Total 198 beneficiaries from Kopili Tea Estate and 45 from Gunjung Tea Estate were benefited through this scheme.

The scheme was introduced for the welfare of all sections of society, including the economically backward tea garden community, and to encourage tea garden workers to make transaction through bank accounts.

Sentinel Assam