Vermicompost and organic farming workshop held for farmers in Numaligarh

Vermicompost and organic farming workshop held for farmers in Numaligarh

In a unique initiative, bio-diversity organization Aaranyak, in collaboration with Kaziranga National Park authority and International Rhino Foundation,

A Correspondent

NUMALIGARh: In a unique initiative, bio-diversity organization Aaranyak, in collaboration with Kaziranga National Park authority and International Rhino Foundation, organized a day-long workshop on vermicompost and organic farming for the local farmers of the park fringe area on Tuesday.

The workshop held at the centenary hall at Kohora was inaugurated by KNP Director, P. Shivakumar. The programme was moderated by Senior Project Officer of Aaranyak, Arif Hussain. National-level award winner agri-scientist Mohan Bora was also present as the resource person in the workshop. Eastern-Assam wildlife division DFO, Ramesh Kr. Gogoi was present along with other forest officials and senior journalists.

This move comes as a precautionary measure to save the wild animals of Kaziranga National Park (KNP) from the deadly effects of chemical fertilizers. Many wild animals of the national park often come out from the protected boundaries of the national park in search of food. Many of the wild animals like hogs and deer raid the paddy fields mostly during nights and early morning time. During the flood season, water submerges the whole area of the park and also the nearby villages, washing away the chemicals from the paddies to inside the park. To minimize the use of such chemical fertilizers in the paddies of the fringe areas of the park, local farmers were given presentation and training on vermicompost and organic farming.

Under this initiative, 10 local farmers were also given vermicompost tanks in the workshop. Senior Project Officer of Aaranyak, Arif Hussain said, "We previously rolled out vermicompost culture to some local villagers of Kaziranga and we saw that it worked quite well. This time we are providing vermicompost tanks and training on the vermicompost culture. Soon we will also provide vermies to the farmers. Moreover, we will also guide them and monitor the whole process." Another session on organic farming was also held in the workshop. Local farmers were trained to go for organic farming. The participating farmers will go for organic farming and they will be supported by the organizers for cultivation of various vegetables in an organic way.

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Sentinel Assam