Appeal for Balanced Reporting in Manipur Conflict: Media's Role in Promoting Peace Stressed

Editors Guild Manipur, AMWJU, and MHJU urge journalists to provide balanced coverage and be peacemakers in the complex conflict in Manipur.
Appeal for Balanced Reporting in Manipur Conflict: Media's Role in Promoting Peace Stressed

IMPHAL: In a joint appeal, Editors Guild Manipur (EGM), All Manipur Working Journalist Union (AMWJU), and Manipur Hill Journalists Union (MHJU) have called upon journalists reporting on the ongoing law and order situation in Manipur to ensure balanced coverage of the complex conflict. The organizations have received feedback from citizens regarding unbalanced reporting by media outlets, especially those from mainland India and abroad, that have representatives or sources in Manipur.

Recognizing their responsibility as media organizations, EGM, AMWJU, and MHJU have highlighted the need for accurate and impartial reporting, emphasizing the detrimental consequences of unbalanced coverage. They have urged journalists to play a constructive role as peacemakers, rather than inadvertently contributing to tensions. The organizations also caution against oversimplifying the conflict by reducing it to divisive labels such as "Hindu vs Christian," "Tribal vs Non-Tribal," or "Meitei vs Non-Meitei," as this could further strain the longstanding relationships between the people of the valley and those from the surrounding hills.

The joint statement acknowledges the presence of divisive forces within both parties involved in the conflict, seeking to exploit existing fault lines for personal motives, political gain, or criminal activities such as drug trafficking and territorial control. EGM, AMWJU, and MHJU believe it is the duty of journalists to expose these elements and prevent them from manipulating public sentiment for their narrow interests.

In their appeal, the organizations have extended their assistance to journalists, recognizing the challenges faced in achieving balanced reporting. They emphasize the importance of collaboration among media practitioners to fulfill their crucial role in bringing peace and stability to Manipur. By working together, journalists can collectively expose divisive forces, present accurate facts, and foster understanding between communities.

The conflict in Manipur is multifaceted, stemming from historical, cultural, political, and socio-economic factors. It requires nuanced reporting that goes beyond simplistic narratives and acknowledges the complexities at play. The media organizations stress the significance of accurate and impartial reporting in avoiding further damage to the relationships between communities in Manipur.

With their appeal, EGM, AMWJU, and MHJU aim to raise awareness among journalists about the potential repercussions of unbalanced reporting and encourage them to be mindful of their role as mediators and peacebuilders. The organizations hope that through responsible journalism, Manipur's media community can contribute to resolving the conflict by exposing divisive elements and promoting a greater understanding among its diverse communities.


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