CM Conrad K Sangma & NPP refute Mukul's charges

CM Conrad K Sangma & NPP refute Mukul's charges

Meghalaya Chief Minister Conrad K Sangma and his Nationalist People’s Party (NPP) have strongly refuted the accusations hurled by the Congress Leader of the Opposition Mukul Sangma


SHILLONG: Meghalaya Chief Minister Conrad K Sangma and his Nationalist People's Party (NPP) have strongly refuted the accusations hurled by the Congress Leader of the Opposition Mukul Sangma on the alleged 'tampering' of the police investigation involving S.S Netcom — owned by the family of the Chief Minister, after the NPP came to power.

The first jibe was made by Mukul Sangma on Friday who accused the ruling dispensation of tampering with the process of investigation by transferring the officers who were involved in the alleged fake recruitment racket.

On Saturday, Chief Minister Conrad Sangma termed the allegations as "unfortunate". He stated, "S.S Netcom has rented out the place after due diligence; and the company concerned also got the 'No Objection' certificate (NOC) from the Superentendent of Police (SP) and the Khasi Hills Autonomous District Council (KHADC), In fact, more than eight to nine companies also took spaces in the the place on rent. However, they left and even as we speak now, the place is being rented out to. Therefore, all legal processes were followed and only after all the procedures were completed the place was rented out; and the individuals concerned were running the operations," stated Conrad K Sangma.

He lashed out at the Leader of Opposition for casting aspersions on the integrity of his family's enterprise, and also on the transfers of two Investigating Officers (IOs) soon after he assumed power. While stating that it is a routine transfer, the Chief Minister maintained that their transfers had nothing to do with the process of investigation into the case of a company that was rented out.

On the other hand, the Chief Minister questioned the Leader of the Opposition and former Chief Minister Mukul Sangma on the transfer of the IO assigned to look into the prostitution racket involving the guest house owned by his erstwhile Home Minister.

"A prostitution racket was run from that guest house that was owned by the then Home Minister in the Congress government at that time. Within one month's time, the IO concerned was transferred for whatever reason; and if that is not interference in the investigation then what is it?" posed the Chief Minister in his reaction that has now become a major political slugfest between the two rivals.

The Chief Minister added, "They did that during the time which I feel was very wrong and they should have allowed that investigation to continue like in this case where investigation went on for two years." He further said, "It is also important to note that when it comes to the actual process, the 'SS NETCOM' was a company that was into the concept of call-centre business. They set up the first call centers in the Northeast; and also serviced prominent clients.

Meanwhile, supporting the Chief Minister, Nationalist People's Party (NPP) spokesperson Marcuise Marak said, "When there was a huge outcry from the civil society about the sexual molestation of a minor girl in 'HDR Lyngdoh' (the then Home Minister's property), the then Chief Minister Mukul Sangma backed the then Home Minister. In fact, reacting to the demands from various quarters for the removal of the then Home Minister, the then CHief Minister Mukul Sangma said that "the law doesn't demand so".

"The Leader of the Opposition, instead of understanding morality and the grievious nature of the crime remained committed to his own Home Minister. He still continues to play that same political game; and is trying to get petty political mileage," stated Marcuise Marak.

He also stated that Mukul Sangma's promise to the masses of providing 24x7 electricticity to them during his tenure was a mere fantasy. The NPP spokesperson also said that the present MDA government has done five times better than the previous Congress regime in the State's Power sector during the past two-and-half years.

Sentinel Assam