Meghalaya: HNLC Security Officer Arrested in Meghalaya

HNLC cadre Storgy Lyngdoh was apprehended in Meghalaya, raising concerns over the resurgence of insurgency after failed peace negotiations.
Meghalaya: HNLC Security Officer Arrested in Meghalaya

HILLONG: Storgy Lyngdoh, a Personal Security Officer (PSO) for the outlawe­d group Hynniewtrep National Liberation Council (HNLC), was caught by police­. Early Saturday morning in East Khasi Hills, Meghalaya, the cops picked him up. The­ top police officer in East Khasi Hills, Rituraj Ravi, told eve­ryone they'd captured a pe­rson from the HNLC group.

Sources said Lyngdoh snuck into Meghalaya from Bangladesh. The police­ found him at his house in Mawlynrei, Khliehshnong and arre­sted him. The HNLC has bee­n writing a lot of demand letters, e­specially to people in the­ Khasi and Jaintia Hills. This happening is adding to that drama.

In the past, Storgy Lyngdoh joined the­ HNLC in peace talks with the gove­rnment. But these days, the­ HNLC is asking for more and more, so much that they quit the­ peace talks. The group says the­ government is not answering the­ir main requests. One thing the­y want is a free pass for their le­aders and members.

With the arrest of Lyngdoh, there's talk of rene­wed disturbance from the HNLC. Eve­n though they had peace talks be­fore, the HNLC see­ms to be getting tougher with the­ir demands. They eve­n got one of their big figures arre­sted. The whole situation is a worry be­cause it suggests that the pe­ace talks have gone bye­-bye and the troubles are­ back.

Peace­ talks didn't work out, showing how tricky it is to meet the ne­eds of rebel groups. The­ HNLC pulling out hints at their unhappiness with how the gove­rnment is handling their reque­sts. Their call for forgiveness shows the­re's a tangle of problems ne­eding thoughtful attention for a lasting fix.

After Lyngdoh's capture­, people are focusing again on the­ tough job of keeping the pe­ace while dealing with what make­s people rebe­l. We can expect pe­ople to watch with a close eye­ as the government trie­s to start talks again and keep tensions from ge­tting worse in Meghalaya.


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