Assam Rifles organizes civic programmes across Mizoram

Assam Rifles organizes civic programmes across Mizoram

The battalions of Assam Rifles under the aegis of 23 Sector Assam Rifles/ Inspector General Assam Rifles (East) have been orgainizing various civic programmes

AIZAWL: The battalions of Assam Rifles under the aegis of 23 Sector Assam Rifles/ Inspector General Assam Rifles (East) have been orgainizing various civic programmes to boost ties with the local populace. Here are a few of them:

COVID AID DISTRIBUTED: The Lunglei Battalion carried out distribution of medical stores and education on COVID appropriate behaviour (CAB) at John Williams Hospital and District Hospital Lunglei on April 7. On the occasion, the message of Prime Minister NarendraModi — 'DavaiBhi, KadaaiBhi' (Yes to Medicine and Yes to Caution) was spread among the partcipants along with dissemination of information about proper wearing of masks, hand hygiene, maintaining social distancing and vaccination.

FRIENDLY FOOTBALL MATCH: The Aizawl Battalion organized a friendly football Match at

Hnahlanon April 10. The friendly football match was held between the villages of Hnahalan and New Vaikhawtlang with an aim to foster greater synergy and enhanced cooperation between the youths of the villages and Assam Rifles.

The event also fostered the spirit of sportsmanship and built up trust between locals and security forces.

The match was played in the best of spirit; and both the teams participated with zeal, passion and enthusiasm. Ultimately, the youths of Hnahlan winning the match.

The event concluded with prize distribution to the winning team followed by a group photograph which shall be a token of remembrance for everyone. The vote of thanks was offered by the team captains of both the teams.

NGOs CONCLAVE AT LUNGLEI: The Lunglei Battalion conducted a conclave of NGOs (Non GovernmentOrganisations) at Lungleirecentrly. The conclave was chaired by the Inspector General of Assam Rifles (East)Major General Ranjit Singh, and was attended by the Deputy Commissioner, and the Additional Deputy Commissioner, as well as representatives of Young Mizo Association (YMA), MizoZirlai Pawl (MZP) and Mizoram Journalists Association (MJA).

The conclave focussed on the scopes of education, post-education jobs, provisions of equal opportunity for all, recruitments of locals into the security forces, training for induction into the security forces at Officers Ranks, Sainik School facilities, and the various other facilities including the life-changing measures available for the local populace from the side of the Assam Rifles and also updates on the Myanmar crisis.

LECTURE ON FESTIVALS OF INDIA: To make students aware about the prominent festivals of India, the Aizawl Battalion conducted a lecture at Higher Secondary School in Hnahlan recently.During the event, the students were also briefed about our country which is a land of festivals, with people from various religions dwelling harmoniously. The students were also motivated to support, respect and celebrate all festivals of our country, as such a move will bring unity, peace and prosperity among the people of our country. Altogether 23 students and three teachers attended the lecture.

YOGA WORKSHOP AT LUNGLEI: The Lunglei Battalion of Headquarter 23 Sector Assam Rifles organized a 'Yoga Workshop' at Lunglei recently.

A total of 80 Assam Rifles personnel and 20 civilians participated in the event. Events of this kind make the individuals mentally and physically robust. The event sent a strong message to be physically active and improve one's health, stated a release.

LECTURE ON 'SAFE MOTHERHOOD DAY': To achieve the motto of 'Winning Hearts and Minds' of the local populace and to uplift the status of women in the society, the Serchhip Battalion conducted an awareness lecture on the occasion of upcoming 'National Safe Motherhood Day' at the Serchhip Unit Hospital recently.

Medical Officer of the Hospital, DrPuiisensitised the women on the extra care to be taken during pregnancy period. She advised the 'to be mothers' to take adequate care during the testing times of COVID; and also shed light on the new strain of the virus. She further explained the importance of 'COVID Appropriate Behaviour' (CAB) in restricting the spread of the virus to the newborns, stated a release.

Sentinel Assam