Mizoram: Governor Hari Babu Kambhampati Engages with New Mizoram Civil Service Recruits

In a dynamic session at Raj Bhavan, Governor Dr. Hari Babu Kambhampati welcomed and inspired newly recruited officers of Mizoram Civil Services, Finance & Accounts, and Information Services.
Mizoram Governor

AIZAWL: Mizoram Governor Dr. Hari Babu Kambhampati held a lively and interactive session with newly recruited officers from the Mizoram Civil Services (MCS), Mizoram Finance & Accounts Services (MFAS), and Mizoram Information Services (MIS) at the Durbar Hall, Raj Bhavan yesterday. The meeting was attended by probationary officers currently undergoing Foundation Training at the Administrative Training Institute (ATI) in Aizawl, along with faculty representatives from ATI.

Governor Kambhampati opened the session by congratulating the recruits on their successful entry into the state’s civil services. He extended his best wishes for their future careers within the Government of Mizoram, emphasizing the importance of their roles in serving the public effectively.

In his address, Dr. Hari Babu encouraged the new officers to fully commit themselves to their duties and to continuously seek learning opportunities from their experiences. He highlighted the importance of staying informed and adaptable, qualities that are essential for effective government service.

The Governor stressed the critical need for higher-ranking officials to be well-versed in the state's resources and the various social security and welfare schemes available from the central government. This knowledge, he asserted, would enable them to better serve the people of Mizoram and ensure the optimal utilization of available resources.

Dr. Hari Babu’s emphasis on lifelong learning and dedication to public service resonated with the officers, who are at the beginning of their careers. He underscored that a deep understanding of both state and central resources would significantly enhance their ability to implement policies and programs that benefit the populace.

The session concluded with an open forum where the probationary officers had the opportunity to interact directly with the Governor, discussing various aspects of their training and future responsibilities.

This engagement marks a significant step in the professional development of the new recruits, setting a strong foundation for their careers in public service. The presence of ATI faculty further reinforced the collaborative effort to equip these officers with the necessary skills and knowledge to excel in their roles.


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