Dimapur truckers threaten stir after murder of 31-year old truck driver from Assam

Dimapur truckers threaten stir after murder of 31-year old truck driver from Assam

A, trucker, identified as 31-year-old Jiten Gogoi, who hailed from Dhemaji district in Assam was shot dead in Dimapur town on Tuesday

Dimapur: Dimapur truck drivers have threatemed a stir following the brutal murder of one Jiten Gogoi, a truck driver hailing from the neighbouring state of Assam. Listing a set of demands, various associations representing truck drivers and truck owners have said that they will stop all trucks from entering the town if their demands are not met.

The Dimaput District Truck Owners' Association, Dimapur Truck Drivers' Union, Dimapur District Truck Driver Welfare Trade Union, Lahorijan and Khatkhati Truckers Welfare Society and Bokajan Truck Owner's Association has urged the Government to give proper compensation to the victim -- the sole bread earner of his family.

Moreover, they have urged the Nagaland Government to end the "lease system" currently imposed by the Dimapur Municipal Council (DMC).

The truck associations claim that the lease system is the root cause of all the problems as leasees pass the details of goods vehicles to wrongdoers.

The bodies claimed that the present situation has created "fear among the drivers" and they are unwilling to enter the town -- considered Nagaland's commercial hub -- until their safety and protection are fully assured.

They further alleged that the "internal conflict of taxation among the so-called transporters/brokers based in Dimapurhas created a fear psychology among the truckers."

A, trucker, identified as 31-year-old Jiten Gogoi, who hailed from Dhemaji district in Assam was shot dead in Dimapur town on Tuesday last.

The incident took place around 2.30 AM and the body was recovred in the morning at around 7 AM, police said.

A case has been registered at the West Police Station in Dimapur.

Sentinel Assam