Nagaland Gearing up for the Hornbill Festival 2022

Nagaland Gearing up for the Hornbill Festival 2022

Preparations for the 23rd version of the event are in a full swing across the regions where it will be hosted.

KOHIMA: The state of Nagaland is gearing up for the most famous festival in the state. It is hosted in a specially prepared Naga Heritage Village in the Kisama region of the state located about 12 kilometers away from the state capital. The event showcases the cuisines, dances, and music of all tribes of the state. All 16 of the major tribes of the state participate in this mega event and showcase their traditions and culture. Flower, fruits, and vegetable shows and competitions are also part of the celebration.

If anyone asks what is the biggest event in the Northeastern state of Nagaland, the answer will definitely be the Hornbill Festival. Like the previous editions, this year's events too will kick off on the 1st of December. As such, all the organizers and parties involved are now started working day in and day out to make the event a grand success.

This year's version of the event is expected to attract huge crowds as compared to the previous years. The reason for the same is the subdued celebration of the event in the past two years. The 2020 version did not take place properly due to the covid pandemic, while a major incident in the state caused the closure of 2021 midway through the event.

While the tourists and the hosts were enjoying the beautiful culture near the capital of the state, a group of villagers was gunned down in the Mon district on suspicion of being terrorists. This led to the immediate closure of the Hornbill Festival causing inconvenience to the tourists. Some of the tribes pulled out of the event immediately as a mark of solidarity with the dead naga people.

But a key problem is the ongoing protest led by the Eastern Nagaland People's Organisation (ENPO) towards the establishment of a separate Frontier Nagaland. 7 of the 16 major tribes have decided not to take part in the Hornbill Festival this year.

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