Sikkim: Indian Nepali Literary and Cultural Centre (INLCC) at Kyongsa Presents Sorry State of Affair

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The condition of Indian Nepali Literary and Cultural Centre (INLCC) at Kyongsa near district town Geyzing, built at a cost of several crores, is degrading every passing day with most facilities rusting due to lack of care and proper utilisation.

The INLCC established by the previous SDF government through the State Cultural Affairs and Heritage department lies in an isolated place below Kyongsa sports ground and lying in a shambles.

Only on a few occasion such as Bhanu Jayanti and other literary functions, the centre gets its due importance. The centre remains open throughout the year but lacks utilizations as others community centres located in close proximity to district town are preferred for literary and other public functions over INLCC.

INLCC, a public infrastructure established with an aim to cater to the literary aspirations and needs of the people of the State is gradually turning into an isolated, discarded and almost forgotten public infrastructure.

The centre which houses a museum, conference hall, statue of Nepali litterateur Bhanu Bhakta Acharya and other facilities are almost non-functional.

The condition of the statue constructed outside the INLC centre is also on the verge of dilapidation as it is exposed to nature and needs maintenance. Rainwater leakage has disfigured the walls of the meditation hall constructed at the ground floor of the statue.

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