Coronavirus Preventive Measures: Dr. Navanil Barua in exclusive interview with The Sentinel Digital

Dr. Navanil Barua, Director of Neurosurgery at GNRC Hospitals spoke about the novel Coronavirus and preventive measures that can be taken to curb the spread of the virus. He spoke about maintaining personal hygiene and how to properly hand wash using sanitizers or soap and only use those sanitizers that have alcohol content above 60%.

He also asked people to follow social distancing and spoke about the proper way of handing protective masks. He also spoke about when one should wear masks. He also asked people not listen to information that keeps spreading through Facebook, WhatsApp, Emails etc. These dubious information about the virus can set panic among public, instead he has asked people to check World Health Organization's (WHO) website ( and Ministry of Health and Family Welfare Website ( for legitimate information.

Sentinel Assam