#Exclusive: Old Age Homes of Guwahati At High Risk, Govt Needs to Act Fast

Several residents of old age homes of Guwahati are now testing positive for COVID

Several residents of old age homes of Guwahati are now testing positive for COVID. So far, 18 residents have tested positive in two old age homes of the city. Two of them who were above 80 years have recovered and returned back to the old age home. Now nine senior citizens are undergoing treatment at different city hospitals, while five are being treated at the old age home where they had tested positive. Sentinel Assam visited one of the old age homes for a first hand update on what are the steps being taken to keep the residents safe. The old age home is running without a proper doctor to monitor the health parametres of the senior citizens which is imperative under the present circumstances. There is only a nurse who checks the pressure and blood sugar. Maybe its time for the government to look into how these old age homes are taking care of the senior citizens and extend help where necessary amid the COVID pandemic.

Sentinel Assam