Football fan built 'The German Stadium' at Diphu for football enthusiast

With the FIFA World Cup about to kick off today. the nation is in the grip of a football frenzy and the fine line between fandom and fanaticism is wearing thin. Among those straddling the line is Putul Borah, a 57-year-old businessman from Karbi Anglong Diphu Police reserve, who has built an auditorium with a bank loan of Rs 13 lakh to screen matches for football enthusiasts.

Borah, who is a diehard fan of Germany, has named the auditorium 'The German Stadium'. It will be formally inaugurated screen today by Karbi Anglong Sport Association (KASA) General Secretary Pankaj Teron along with Richard Tokbi MAC KAAC, and various dignitaries attend on the programme. The auditorium on the ground floor can accommodate at least 100 people - 200 more can squeeze in inside the courtyard of his house - all of whom can sit together and watch the matches that will be beamed live on a 53-inch screen, with tea and snacks also to be served to the visitors.

Sentinel Assam