The Road That Leads to Assam BJP HQ A Shame

The road that you see in this video is one of the main roads that lead to the Assam BJP headquarters in Guwahati.

The road that you see in this video is one of the main roads that lead to the Assam BJP headquarters in Guwahati. The condition of the road is pathetic to say the least. Nearby shop-keepers and residents are using pieces of bricks, stones and pebbles to cover the pot-holes. The pot-holes have become so large that some residents are saying that very soon they will turn into small ponds which they can use for fishing. In fact this has becomes a joke in the area. The shop-keepers are investing their hard earned money to try fix the road as it is hampering their business. Needless to say, Assam BJP President Ranjeet Dass as well as all top BJP ministers take this road to reach the state BJP headquarters. If they are not bothered about this road, speaks volumes about how much they would care for other roads of the state.

Sentinel Assam