ULFA (I) Phone Call to the kidnapped Gaurango Dey's Family at Talap in Tinsukia

A new twist in the abduction case of one Gauranga Dey, head feeder of Shankar Tea Estate under Talap police post in Tinsukia district on October 11, 2019 by suspected militants of ULFA (I).

As per latest report, Priyanka Dey, daughter of Gauranga Dey was informed by an unidentified militant representing the ULFA (I) through a phone call on Tuesday evening that her father is well and good; however, there was no exchange of cooperation from Garden owner Sudhir Kumar Lohia so far on the issue of the abduction of Gorango Dey. Also, Lohia didn't make any contacts with both the rebel militant outfit and Police over the release of the head feeder of the tea estate.

Sentinel Assam