Wild Tuskers creates ruckus at Changchoki Borchung in Kampur under Nagaon District

A herd of elephants in Nazirating under Kampur Forest Division created havoc, enters the residences of local people and damaged the boundary walls of their houses in Changchoki Borchung on Thursday.

The herd went on a rampage, thus, destroying the electric posts in the area.

No casualties were reported during this incident.

Local people on the other hand blamed the Forest Department for their failure.

As per a report by wwf.panda.org, Elephant-human conflict is a result of habitat loss and fragmentation. When elephants and humans interact, there is conflict from crop raiding, injuries and deaths to humans caused by elephants, and elephants being killed by humans for reasons other than ivory and habitat degradation.

It may be mentioned that Elephants cause damage amounting from a few thousand dollars to millions of dollars. Every year, 100 humans (in some years it may be 300 people) and 40-50 elephants are killed during crop raiding in India, the reported stated further.

Sentinel Assam