We will Finish our Job on Time: SM Bali

We will Finish our Job on Time: SM Bali

Our Sports Reporter

GUWAHATI: He is heading the 3-member Adhoc panel which will constitute the next committee of the Assam Olympic Association. SM Bali, the joint secretary of the Indian Olympic Association, in a brief interaction with the media, where he also took a few questions from The Sentinel, shared his purpose of visit in Guwahati. Here is the excerpt.

TS: Tell us about your visit.

Indian Olympic Association has entrusted us the responsibility to constitute the new committee of the Assam Olympic Association and my visit was purely in this connection. I have already met with the key officials of the previous committee. Hope we would be able to constitute the new committee on time.”

TS: What would be the job of this Adhoc committee?

Our main job is to constitute the new committee of the Assam Olympic Association and also to look after the activities of the organization until the new body is formed.

TS: What was the response of AOA officials?

It’s very good. I meet with them during this visit and they provided me all the necessary information which I needed. I also meet with the Chief Minister Sarbananda Sonowal and he too assured me full cooperation to promote sports in the state.

TS: Have you finalized any specific date for the AOA election?

It is not finalized yet. The three-member committee will visit Guwahati in the middle part of August and we need to work on certain areas before finalizing the date. But you can expect it by the next four months.

TS: Meghalaya is gearing up to hold the National Games in 2022. What about the preparation?

They have just started the preparation. IOA teams and technical committee members are expected to visit the state very soon. We are optimistic that the state would be able to deliver the game in the best possible way.

Sentinel Assam