AAI Invites Tender for the Work Of Upgradation Of Fire Pit - 2022_AAI_105439_1

Airports Authority Of India Invites Tender for the Work Of Upgradation Of Fire Pit
AAI Invites Tender for the Work Of Upgradation Of Fire Pit - 2022_AAI_105439_1
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The Sentinel provides the latest updates on Tender for the Work Of Upgradation Of Fire Pit and other online tender notices published by the Airports Authority Of India.

The Sentinel is the online tender website that provides unlimited lifetime free access to Tender for the Work Of Upgradation Of Fire Pit and other procurement notices types like open tender, public tender, online tenders from the Airports Authority Of India.

About AAI

The Airports Authority of India or AAI is a statutory body, under the ownership of Directorate General of Civil Aviation, Ministry of Civil Aviation, Government of India. It is responsible for creating, upgrading, maintaining and managing civil aviation infrastructure in India. It provides Communication Navigation Surveillance / Air Traffic Management (CNS/ATM) services over Indian airspace and adjoining oceanic areas. AAI is currently managing a total of 137[2] Airports, including 34[2] International Airports, 10 Customs Airports, 81 Domestic Airports and 23 Civil enclaves at Defense Airfields. AAI also has ground installations at all airports and 25 other locations to ensure safety of aircraft operations. AAI covers all major air-routes over Indian landmass via 29 Radar installations at 11 locations along with 700 VOR/DVOR installations co-located with Distance Measuring Equipment (DME). 52 runways are provided with Instrument landing system (ILS) installations with Night Landing Facilities at most of these airports and Automatic Message Switching System at 15 Airports.

About Tender

The Airports Authority of India requests a proposal for the tenders for the work of upgradation of fire pit as per fire category-7 including development of pavement around fire pit and connectivity of approach roads at Dibrugarh airport.

Tender Details

Reference No.2022_AAI_105439_1
Tendering AuthorityAirports Authority Of India

item rate tender for work of upgradation of fire pit as per fire category-7 including development of pavement around fire pit and connectivity of approach roads at dibrugarh airport

Descriptionupgradation of fire pit as per fire category-7 including development of pavement around fire pit and connectivity of approach roads at dibrugarh airport dibrugarh airport open tender
Pre-Qualification CriteriaPlease refer Tender documents.
Website (Optional)

Click here to open website

Key Values

Estimated CostINR 1.35 CR.
EMDINR 2.70 Lacs

Key Dates

Start Date of Document Collection26-02-2022
Last Date of Document Collection21-03-2022
Last Date for Submission21-03-2022
Opening Date22-03-2022
* The estimated cost, values & dates are indicative only. Please read tender document for accurate information.

Site location

Location 1Dibrugarh, Assam, India

Contact Details

Contact Person (Optional)AGM(Engg-Civil)
Contact AddressOffice of AGM(Engg-Civil), Airports Authority of India, Dibrugarh Airport.

Official Documents

Disclaimer: We try to ensure accurate & authentic tender information at its level best however it cannot be held responsible for Omissions, Errors, etc. Users are advised to refer to Tender Document published by Procuring entity before they take to submit the bid.

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