APDCL Invites Tender for the Conversion of Existing Single Phase and 3 Phase Lt Lines in Dibrugarh - 2022_APDCL_26037_1

Assam Power Distribution Company Limited Invites Tender for the Conversion of Existing Single Phase and 3 Phase Lt Lines in Dibrugarh
APDCL Invites Tender for the Conversion of Existing Single Phase and 3 Phase Lt Lines in Dibrugarh - 2022_APDCL_26037_1
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The Sentinel provides the latest updates on Tender for the Conversion of Existing Single Phase and 3 Phase Lt Lines in Dibrugarh and other online tender notices published by the Assam Power Distribution Company Limited

The Sentinel is the online tender website that provides unlimited lifetime free access to Tender for the Conversion of Existing Single Phase and 3 Phase Lt Lines in Dibrugarh and other procurement notices types like open tender, public tender, online tenders from the Assam Power Distribution Company Limited.


APDCL is a world-class company serving the people of Assam for the all-around development of the State. We supply 24x7 uninterrupted, reliable, affordable, safe, and quality power to our customers. We delight our customers by exceeding their expectations in providing 100% satisfaction in all aspects of our service, it runs our operations sustainably in an environment-friendly manner. We keep our infrastructure in good health by undertaking timely preventive and predictive maintenance. We ensure that all our operations are safe for our employees as well as for the people whom we serve. We are extremely frugal in everything we do so that the cost of our operations is low. We undertake new projects to continuously upgrade our systems to provide quality power to our customers. We ensure that all our projects are completed in time with the least cost and best quality. vendors and contractors are our partners in enabling the accelerated growth of Assam. In all our operations, we earn a reasonable profit to generate adequate surplus for taking up new projects to serve our customers.

About Tender

Assam Power Distribution Company Limited requests a proposal for the tenders for the Conversion of Conversion of Existing Single Phase and 3 Phase Lt Lines on Bare Conductor to ab Cable and Dismantling of Existing Line and Reconnection of Service Lines lines Within Dibrugarh Electrical Circle under RDSS

Tender Details

Reference No.2022_APDCL_26037_1
Tendering AuthorityAssam Power Distribution Company Limited

conversion of existing single phase and 3 phase lt lines on bare conductor to ab cable and dismantling of existing lines and reconnection of service lines within dibrugarh electrical circle under rdss

Descriptionconversion of existing single phase and 3 phase lt lines on bare conductor to ab cable within dibrugarh electrical circle under rdss dibrugarh electrical circle open tender
Pre-Qualification CriteriaPlease refer Tender documents.
Website (Optional)

Click here to open website

Key Values 

Estimated CostINR 70.22 CR.

Key Dates 

Start Date of Document Collection21-06-2022
Last Date of Document Collection19-07-2022
Pre-Bid Meeting Date27-06-2022
Last Date for Submission19-07-2022
Opening Date22-07-2022
* The estimated cost, values & dates are indicative only. Please read tender document for accurate information.

Site Location

Location 1Dibrugarh, Assam, India

Contact Details 

Contact Person (Optional)Chief General Manager PPnD APDCL
Contact AddressOffice of CGM PPnD APDCL 6th floor Bijulee Bhawan Paltanbazar Guwahati 781001

Official Documents 

Disclaimer: We try to ensure accurate & authentic tender information at its level best however it cannot be held responsible for Omissions, Errors, etc. Users are advised to refer to Tender Document published by Procuring entity before they take to submit the bid.

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