Eastern Assam Wildlife Division, Bokakhat Tender for works under Kaziranga National Park

Eastern Assam Wildlife Division, Bokakhat invites tender for works to be executed in different locations under Kaziranga National Park. Bid Now.
Eastern Assam Wildlife Division, Bokakhat Tender for works under Kaziranga National Park
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Eastern Assam Wildlife Division, Bokakhat Tender Inviting Press Notice

Separate sealed tender affixing court fee stamp of Rs. 8.25 (Rupees eight and paise twenty five) only are hereby invited from registered Class-I & Class-Il contractors/Firms (Registered with PWD Buildings) for works to be executed in different locations under the jurisdiction of Kaziranga National Park as mentioned below

Sl No

Name of Work


Estimated Cost (in Rs)

Earnest Money (in Rs)


Retention bund & Sluice gate





Bund cum Cause way

Kothal Chang APC



  1. The tender will be received up to 1.00 PM (IST) on 11-12-2020 in the office of the Divisional Forest Officer, Eastern Assam Wildlife Division, Bokakhat and will be opened on the same day in presence of interested bidders or their authorized representative at 1-30 PM (IST). In the event of the office remain closed on 11-12-2020 under unavoidable circumstances, the tender will be received on next working day up to the stipulated time and will be opened at 3.30 PM on the same day.
  2. The details of the work and general terms and conditions (tender papers) for execution may be collected from the office of the Divisional Forest Officer, Eastern Assam Wildlife Division, Bokakhat from 07.12.2020 to 09.12.2020 during office hours on any working day on payment of Rs. 2,000.00 (Rupees two thousand) only in cash being non-refundable processing cost. The work must be completed within stipulated time.
  3. The undersigned and higher authority reserves the right to accept or cancel any tender and right to fix the lowest limit of the tender bid value without assigning any reason and does not bind himself to accept the lowest tender.
  4. The acceptance of the tenders and issue of work order is subject to release of fund by the Govt. of Assam/Competent authority without thereby incurring any liabilities to the affected tenderer or any obligation to inform the affected tenderer of the ground.
  5. Regarding the settlement of the tenderer, payment of bill and all other matters shall be govern by the decision taken by the committee constituted for the purpose by the department.
  6. The rate of earnest money will be 1% of the estimated value in case of tenderer falls on category of ST/SC or OBC. They will have to submit attested copy of the Caste certificate along with tender paper.

Divisional Forest Officer,
Eastern Assam Wildlife Division

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